To excel at athletics, it takes a personal commitment to excellence. For that reason alone, you should honor your varsity student athletes with a unique and memorable gift this year. Custom embroidered patches are the type of item that people can’t help but notice. Worn on a jacket, sweater, vest or hat, they get attention wherever they go.
Embroidered patches are among the most personal gift items a person can receive and for good reason. They’re created by you! You call the shots as you design the varsity patches. You get to determine which size, shape, style, and colors best meet your needs. From the amount of embroidery found on the patches to the mesh color underneath the thread, you have choices. We make the design process entirely about you.
Our team of talented artists work with you to create a patch that instills pride in your athletes. The custom items encourage others to strive to be their very best. You’ll see a distinct difference in your athlete’s performance what they’ve been publicly acknowledged and given a gift that they can wear proudly.
Choose the size, shape, and style of patches you like best. Our online gallery can be viewed any time of day. It is full of inspiring images. See what type of patches appeal most to you and let us know what it is about those patches that catch your eye. We’ll make sure to give your order the same amount of attention as we gave our past customers and designs.
Create custom embroidered patches for your varsity athletes today. Host an awards ceremony where each student receives their custom gift from you. Contact Signature Patches with your request right away. We’ll answer your inquiry quickly and send you a no obligation, free price quote to review.
There are a number of different ways you can reach us. One is through our online submission form. You’ll find it on our website under FREE QUOTE. You can also send your ideas to us. Email If you’d prefer to speak to us directly, you can. Our phone number is 1-800-257-9664 toll-free.
Give your varsity athletes a reason to shine even more this school year. The sooner we hear from you, the faster we can get your order of custom patches started. Reach out to us today. You’ll be so glad that you did.