Are you struggling to decide which patch style is right for your business and the event that you’re hosting? Do you want to make an informed decision that helps boost attendance and further your marketing efforts? If you do, you’ve come to the right place. As a leading designer and producer of custom embroidered and custom woven patches, we possess insight as to which will be best for you and the artwork that we create for you.
Both styles of patches are unique and memorable in their own respect. Let’s take a look at each so you can make your decision quickly and effortlessly. Here’s what makes each patch style different from the other.
Custom embroidered patches are great for all types of designs. They can be up to 75% embroidered and 76%-100% embroidered in the thread colors you like best. The more embroidery thread you choose to use in your design, the less mesh shows through. Keep this in mind if you’re choosing a specific color of mesh that you want to make a part of your design.
Woven patches are ideal for intricate designs. No mesh shows through. This style of patch is 100% embroidered. If you have a logo or emblem that you want to use that has a lot of detail, we recommend this patch style. If you have any questions as to how it will look, view our online gallery to see examples of woven patches.
Choose the patch style that is right for your event. We’d like to offer you our assistance. We provide an online gallery for you to view at your convenience. You’ll see patches in every size, shape, and style imaginable. Let the images inspire your own unique embroidered or woven patch design.
You’ll also find speaking to a representative helpful. The number to reach us at is 1-800-257-9664 toll-free. We believe in making ourselves accessible to our customers. We want you to feel at ease when placing an order with us. Let us know how we can address any questions and concerns you might have about placing an order.
Send logos and other emblems to You can learn more about the different types of files we accept by visiting our Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) page. Information about product minimums, pricing, and ordering is also listed there. It’s a valuable resource for you to refer to often.