Did You Know We Sell Challenge Coins Too?
Depending on who you ask, challenge coins either got their start in WWI or during the Korean War. No matter when they officially were introduced, the small metal medallions have always represented a sense of belonging and served to increase camaraderie and morale among a group. And the best news is we’re more than equipped to create and ship these products out to you!
It might not sound like it makes much sense, a custom patch maker having the ability to also mint coins, but when you think about it, it makes perfect sense. All of the patches we create are custom made and designed by our customers. Nothing you see on our site is stocked or sold to the public by us. That ability to take your artwork and design ideas and apply them to a set of custom patches is the same process as creating custom challenge coins. From a business standpoint, the only difference is the equipment needed to produce the final product.

The products themselves, however, feature a number of differences. Patches are, of course, fabric, and their design is most often created with thread. This isn’t always the case, but more often than not, this is true of the patches we create. Coins are, of course, metal, and their custom design is created via a process called die striking. However, beyond the materials and the reality of their construction, there’s one thing that custom coins and patches have in common: The need to specify the design of the edge.
The Wealth of Options With Coin Edges
For custom coins, when we talk about the edge, there are two different ways to mean that. There’s the edge of the coin that rings around either coin face (think of this space as the same area where you’ll find the words “United States of America” and “Quarter Dollar” on a new U.S. quarter), and then there’s the true edge of the coin. The true edge of a custom coin can feature custom engraving, but for the purposes of this topic, it’s the first coin edge we’re concerned with

For challenge coins, the coin edge can be just about anything you want. Whether it’s one of our six most common options, or something more uniquely custom designed, we have the ability to frame your custom coin artwork however you like. If you think your design will look best with a rope edge or an oblique cut edge, we can make that happen. If you want the edge of your coin to be encircled with words or designed to look like a ring of barbed wire, we can do that too. The possibilities are nearly endless with coin edges.
The Difference Between Coin and Patch Edges
With most patches, there are two different edge options: merrowed or hot cut. PVC and leather patches are created differently than other types, and as such they don’t make use of either of these edge options, but for the time being we’re only focusing on traditional thread and fabric patches.

A merrowed edge is a sewn border that encircles the entire patch. It gives the patch a nice uniformed look and it helps to prevent fraying and stops the thread of the patch from unraveling. A heat cut edge is more or less exactly what it sounds like. Instead of the edge being sewn into place, the patch is created and then a hot knife is worked around the edge. The hot cut edge also works to seal the patch and stop any fraying.
The most obvious difference between coin edges and patch edges is that there are so many more options with coins than there are with patches. However, a bigger difference is that patch edges are more often dictated by necessity than by the designs and desires of the customer.

With challenge coins, what you want is what you get. With patches, you might want a merrowed edge, but be unable to get a merrowed edge. This is because the merrowed edge is created with a sewing machine, and it requires some space to create effectively. Patches with tight corners or small gaps between portions of the edge, in other words certain custom shaped patches, will prohibit the machine from capturing the angle it needs to create the border properly. It’s for this reason that patches with a more traditional or simplistic shape tend to get a merrowed edge while custom shaped patches are more likely to get heat cut edges.
In the end, edges for patches are more functional while edges of custom coins are more decorative. When you need your patches not to fray in the wash, how those ends are accomplished matters less than the fact that they get accomplished. So sit back and let us worry about what edge will work best for your patches. But if you’re looking to order a set of challenge coins, we can help you with that too, and in that order, you can select whatever kind of edge you like!