Attachment Options

No Backing
No Charge

PVC Backing
Free Optional Upgrade

Iron-On Backing
$.10 each for 1″ to 3.5″
$.20 each for 4″ and up.

Hook and Loop
Add $0.55 ( up to 4.5″)

Peel & Stick Backing
20% additional per piece

Tuxedo Clip
Speak to an Associate.

Safety Pin
Speak to an Associate.

8 mm Post with Butterfly Clutch
Speak to an Associate.
Things to Keep in Mind

1. Heat transfer patch does not equal iron on.
Heat transfer patches are created via a process called dye sublimation, which means an image is printed onto a mesh backing using no thread at all. Iron On Patches means the patch has a shiny backing meant for heat attachment. Heat transfer patches with no iron on backing will not attach to your clothing via ironing.
2. PVC Patches does not equal PVC backing.
PVC patches are waterproof and weather resistant. They can be ordered with a hook and loop backing, or PVC backing, but NOT with an iron-backing. Do not attempt to iron on PVC patches or any patch with a PVC backing.

3. Sewing Your Patch
If you decide to sew your patch in place you may order PVC backing, hook and loop backing, or no backing at all. If ordering PVC patches, all PVC patches come with a recessed channel for you to sew along.
4. Temporary Patch Placement
For temporary patch placement, peel and stick, safety pin backing or an 8mm post is recommended.
Ready To Get Started?
When you are ready to proceed, use the convenient Order Form on our site to place your custom patch order.
Getting Started with Custom Patches
Custom embroidered patches offer the high-quality look of direct embroidery without the high cost. In addition, you get the flexibility of adding your customized design to any article of clothing regardless of size, shape, or fabric.
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